Energy Sector
- Utility Regulatory Authority
- Energy Efficiency Management Office
Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security Authority
- Central Electricity Board
- Energy Projects in Mauritius and Rodrigues
- Mauritius Renewable Energy Agency (MARENA)
Utility Regulatory Authority
The Utility Regulatory Authority (URA) has been set up in 2016 in accordance with the Utility Regulatory Authority Act 2004 to regulate utility services, namely electricity, water and wastewater.
For more information, please visit the website
Energy Efficiency Management Office
The Energy Efficiency Management Office (EEMO) has been set up under Section 4 of the Energy Efficiency Act 2011 with the objectives of, among others, of promoting awareness for the efficient use of energy as a means to reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment.
The functions of the EEMO are, in particular, to implement strategies and programmes for the efficient use of energy, establish links with regional and international institutions and participate in programmes pertaining to the efficient use of energy.
The objective of the EEMO is to highlight the initiatives in energy in the domestic, industrial, transport and services sector in view of sensitizing and creating a synergy around an effective management of energy.
For more information, please visit the website of EEMO at
Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security Authority
Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security Authority (RSNSA) is an effectively independent regulatory body established under the Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security Act 2018, with main objective to regulate and control all radiation sources and practices for the adequate protection of people and the environment against the harmful effects of radiation, both now and in the future, for the safety of practices and the security of radioactive sources.
(i) Radiation Safety Nuclear Security (Control of Import and Export of Radiation Sources and Other Controlled Items) Regulations 2019;
(ii) Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security (Appeal) Regulations 2019;
(iii) The Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security Act 2018;
(iv) Radiation Protection (Licensing and Registration) Regulations 2017;
(v) Radiation Protection (Safe Transport of Radioactive Material) Regulations 2016; and
(vi) Radiation Protection (Personal Radiation Monitoring Service) Regulations 2012.
For more information, please visit the website of RSNSA at
Central Electricity Board
The Central Electricity Board (CEB) is a parastatal body wholly owned by the Government of Mauritius and reporting to the Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities. It is empowered by the Central Electricity Board Act 1963 and the CEB's business is to "prepare and carry out development schemes with the general object of promoting, coordinating and improving the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity" in Mauritius.
The CEB produces around 40% of the country's total power requirements from its 4 thermal power stations and 10 hydroelectric plants and the remaining 60% are being purchased from Independent Power Producers.
Thermal Power Stations
· St Louis PS
· Fort Victoria PS
· Fort George PS
· Nicolay PS
Hydroelectric Plants
· Champagne
· Ferney
· Tamarind Falls
· Magenta
· Le Val
· Cascade Cecile
· Amode Ibrahim Atchia Power Station (ex-Réduit Power Station)
· La Ferme
· La Nicolière Feeder Canal
· Midlands
Independent Power Producers (IPPs)
· Sarako
· Solar Field Ltd
· Synnove-L'Esperance
· Synnove-Petite Retraite
· Eole des Plaine des Roches
· OTEOLB (ex CTSav)
· Consolidated Energy Ltd (CEL)
· MSML (ex Medine)
· Sotravic Ltd (Landfill Gas)
·Voltas Yellow
·Voltas Green
·CEB Green
Please visit the website of CEB at for additional information.
Energy Projects in Mauritius and Rodrigues
Gas Turbines Power Plant (i.e Phase 1 of the setting up of a 135-150 MW Combined-Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) Project at Fort George)
With a view to continue ensuring the security of electricity supply, the CEB is making provision for the installation of a 105-120 MW Combined-Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) Power Plant at Fort George in order to meet the energy requirements from the year 2018 onwards. The contract for the consultancy services was awarded on 07 October 2016. Thereafter after commissioning, the plant will operate on diesel (gasoil) and will switch over to natural gas when it will be available in Mauritius.
Construction of a new 7000m3 Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) Tank at Fort Victoria Power Station
For this project, one additional tank will be erected in the yard of Fort Victoria PS to cater for the increase in demand for the HFO for the running of existing engines at Fort Victoria, St Louis and Rodrigues Power stations with the installation of 60 MW units. The project is estimated for a total value of Rs 80 M.
New 200 kW – 250 kW Solar (Photovoltaic) Farm at Grenade
It is one of the main projects which are in line with the sustainable development in the island. The implementation of this project will enable the further promotion and implementation of renewable energy in Rodrigues Island and reduce dependency on fossil fuels and mitigation of greenhouse gas emission.
Independent Power Producers (Renewable Energy)
SARAKO 15 MW Solar Power Farm
Location: Bambous
Operational Date: 18 February 2014
Production Capacity: 15.2 MW (Megawatt)
Solar Field Ltd
Location: Mont-Choisy
Operational Date: 30 January 2017
Capacity: 2 MW
Synnove – L'Esperance (Synnove Solar (Mauritius) One Ltd)
Location: L'Esperance
Operational Date: 04 January 2017
Capacity: 2 MW
Synnove - Petite Retraite
Location: Petite Retraite
Operational Date: 04 January 2017
Capacity: 2 MW
Eole Plaine des Roches Wind Farm
Location: Plaine des Roches
Operational Date: 15 March 2016
Capacity: 11 wind turbines of 580 kW (kiloWatt) each
Mauritius Renewable Energy Agency (MARENA)
The Mauritius Renewable Energy Agency (MARENA) was enacted by the MARENA Act of 2015. It was created to oversee the development of renewable energy in Mauritius. It is responsible to promote renewable energy and create an environment conducive to the development of renewable energy. Section 7 of the Act provides that the Agency shall be administered by a Board.
Objects of Agency
The objects of the Agency shall be to:–
a) promote the adoption and use of renewable energy with a view to achieving sustainable development goals;
b) advise on possible uses of liquid natural gas;
c) create an enabling environment for the development of renewable energy;
d) increase the share of renewable energy in the national energy mix;
e) share information and experience on renewable energy research and technology; and
f) foster collaboration and networking, at regional and international levels, with institutions promoting renewable energy.
Functions of Agency
The Agency shall: –
(a) advise the Minister on all matters relating to renewable energy policy and strategy;
(b) every 5 years, elaborate a renewable energy strategic plan;
(c) establish the necessary mechanism and framework to increase the use of renewable energy;
(d) assess the feasibility and competiveness of renewable energy projects and make recommendations;
(e) encourage and support studies and research on the renewable energy technologies and their implementation;
(f) compile and analyse data on use and benefits of renewable energy;
(g) develop guidelines and standards for renewable energy projects and for evaluation and approval of on-grid and off-grid renewable energy projects;
(h) devise incentive mechanisms, including subsidisation mechanisms based on principles of competitiveness and specific technologies;
(i) define a funding strategy for renewable energy projects;
(j) assess the requirements for the improvement of skills for the implementation of renewable energy projects;
(k) establish linkages with the International Renewable Energy Agency and regional and international institutions with similar objectives;
(l) share information and knowledge on renewable energy technologies;
(m) carry out sensitisation programmes on renewable energy technologies;
(n) devise such criteria as may be necessary for the accreditation of operators in the renewable energy sector; and
(o) do such acts and things as may be necessary for the purposes of this Act.
Please visit the website of MARENA at for additional information.